Kiss Dry Lips Goodbye: DIY Deeply Hydrating Lip Oil for Nighttime Repair

Kiss Dry Lips Goodbye: DIY Deeply Hydrating Lip Oil for Nighttime Repair

Dry, chapped lips are a struggle, especially during harsh weather conditions. While store-bought lip products like lip balms and lip glosses offer temporary relief, creating your DIY lip oil allows you to customize ingredients and ensure deep hydration for long-lasting results. This recipe focuses on two powerful carrier oils, castor oil and sweet almond oil, to create a deeply nourishing…

Upcycle Your Christmas Tree for Valentine’s Day: Easy DIY Decor with Printable Vintage Ornaments
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Upcycle Your Christmas Tree for Valentine’s Day: Easy DIY Decor with Printable Vintage Ornaments

Remember that post-holiday letdown, the empty space where your Christmas tree used to be? Let’s ditch the melancholy and embrace the magic of Valentine’s Day! Your beloved tree deserves a romantic transformation, and you deserve a cozy haven to celebrate love. So, hold onto those festive vibes! Yes, I’m talking about a Valentine’s tree decked out in…

How to Make Homemade Comfrey Infused Oil Hair Mask Recipe
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How to Make Homemade Comfrey Infused Oil Hair Mask Recipe

Seasonal changes bring temperature fluctuations, which can negatively affect our hair health. Using heat tools too often, over-washing, and indoor heating can damage, create excess frizz, fade colored hair, or cause dry hair or dry scalp irritation. Fortunately, you don’t need to run out and buy another beauty product or pay for an expensive hair…

How to Make Wild Dandelion Jelly Recipe| In Your Kitchen

How to Make Wild Dandelion Jelly Recipe| In Your Kitchen

Spring has arrived and it’s time to keep an eye out for all the beautiful flowers to forage, including the common dandelion! Dandelions (taraxacum officinale) have yellow flower petals that are packed with vitamins and nutrients. Although the whole plant can be consumed, this dandelion jelly recipe uses just the dandelion flower heads. Sarah Barron…