30 Days to More Peace & Connection: An Intentional Living Challenge

It’s time for a 30-Day Intentional Living Challenge! If you’re like me, you’re ready to embrace a period of reflection and rejuvenation. In addition to appreciating the beauty around us, the rhythms of our lives, especially if you’re a parent- with back to school, shorter daylight hours, and the upcoming holidays, there’s a lot to navigate during this time. Let’s embark on this journey together.

You can use this challenge any time during the year. I prefer to use the calendar during the seasonal shifts of the year. The Autumn and the spring equinoxes always feel best. However, choose the best time for you.

Why Intentional Slow Living?

“The great benefit of slowing down is reclaiming the time and tranquility to make meaningful connections–with people, with culture, with work, with nature, with our own bodies and minds” 

Carl Honoré, In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of Speed

My Intentional Living Journey

My journey with intentional living became necessary, and I took on a role outside of my personal life back in 2015. In 2014, I started teaching art classes to young children and their caregivers to provide weekly opportunities to connect and intentionally make lasting memories. In 2017, I co-founded the subscription box company KidArtLit to provide families worldwide with a more creative and meaningful way to connect with their children through books and art. Creating ways for families to meaningfully and deeply connect has always been an important aspect of my career, and it continues today in a broader approach with this website and writings. Connection to self, home, community, and family are all essential ways to find contentment and meaning in our daily lives.

Over time, I realized that living intentionally doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. It can be done whether you are working full-time or retired. The best part is that you can start any time, and when you do, you will notice your happiness increase and your joy for living blossom.

I like to root my process in the seasons. I find the cyclical nature and the rhythm of the seasons to provide a sturdy structure that makes a living more purposeful and fun.

30-Days Intentional Living Challenge

Today, I am sharing one of my Intentional Living Calendar with you. This calendar is designed to add a touch of intention to your every day. You’re invited o join me for 30-days of intentional living, 100% free. You can start the calendar at any point in the season, and the challenge is entirely self-paced.

How the Challenge Works

Every day, you will do conscious, intentional living action on purpose. Through the process, I hope you will be aware of other opportunities to slow down and focus on what is most essential for you. Approach this challenge (I don’t even like the word challenge; think of it more like an invitation) gently and with kindness towards yourself. Take baby steps and enjoy the planned intentions for each day.

Once you submit your email in the box below, you will receive your FREE 30-Day Intentional Living calendar full of simple invitations, suggestions, recipes, seasonal craft ideas, and meaningful ways to savor the change in season.

Benefits of Intentional Living

  • FOCUS ON THE IMPORTANT THINGS: Focus on the important things. We live in a world that is constantly vying for our attention. It wants to eradicate our boredom and keep us scrolling. Identifying your values and what matters most to you makes it easier to focus your time on relationships, projects, and interests that ultimately bring you more contentment so you can live a joy-filled life.
  • BUILD SELF-CARE SKILLS- Self care has gotten a bad wrap for being a catalyst for over indulgence and selfish tendancies, but self care is the heart of building personal value and trust in yourself. This calendar will help you see how simple adding a dose of self care to your day will enhance your happiness and contentment.
  • THINK CREATIVELY – Your mind isn’t overloaded with everything at the moment. It can focus on what is happening now, freeing you from worry and relaxing your mind. A relaxed mind can be more creative and solve problems with more ease.
  • MAKE CHOICES WITH MORE EASE – Making choices and decisions become more manageable when you know what to focus on and are more aligned with your goals.
  • FEEL MORE PRESENT-Intentional Living helps you focus on what is most meaningful when it is happening. So many of us grieve that time goes too fast or that we miss out. Focusing on what matters in a world that moves fast can be challenging. Learning to be intentional with your time and awareness brings happiness and joy to your everyday life.
  • DISCOVER & ALIGN WITH YOUR VALUES- Practicing intentional living provides space and time for your personal values to rise to the surface and become easier to identify. You will find a more aligned connection within yourself, which will also provide more ease with decision-making and knowing what you want to do next.

Miss Something?

Did you miss a day? Don’t worry! Start where you are and forget about the rest. We are all about slow baby steps to a more calm and intentional life.

Ready to Get Started?

Download your free Intentional Living Challenge Calendar below to start your 30-day journey to more self-awareness, contentment, and understanding of the power of daily intention.

When is a Good Time to Start an Intentional Living challenge?

Autumn always feels like a fresh start. As a season, there is a sense of slowness that begins, and focusing on intention during the fall can help prep and align us for the winter and the holiday season. Autumn holds the Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashanah and the Day of Atonement of Yom Kippur. The celebration of Michaelmas and the Pagan sabbat of Mabon happens this time of year. Many things vie for our attention in fall and into the coming season. It is possible to live intentionally and slowly, even when our culture is at its busiest!

More Ways to Add Intention to Your Days

If you enjoy the 30-Days of Intentional Living Challenge, you may also like the Autumn Hygge Challenge.

You will receive seven invitations to add a touch of coziness and comfort to your days right in your inbox.


  1. I LOVE the idea of making a calendar! I normally put together seasonal bucket lists that include recipes, crafts and adventures I want to squeeze in, but I’ve never turned it into a calendar. I’m going to start doing this to make sure there’s a magical moment each day. I’m looking forward to your challenge!

    1. Thank you, Sylvia! The calendar has been a wonderful way for me to keep my own rhythm. I am so happy to share this with others.

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